Miller’s 1,340 signatures

(Update March 14, 2015:  Over 11,000 now!)

We’ve reached 1,340 signatures in just three days since launching the site, the petiton, and the campaign to stop CFIA and Agriculture Canada from destroying our healthy flock of Shropshire sheep. We will keep going…pass on the link to sign the petition.

Meet Miller…he is the essence behind the Wholearth flock. It’s his historical old genes old that the Wholearth flock is preserving. He is the foundation sire who came from Hugh Miller’s flock—those genetics were the first Shropshires imported to Canada in the early 19th century. Miller lived to the grand old age of 14…unheard of for most sheep, which have generally moved on the great pasture in the sky by the time they reach 6 or 7 years of age. He was still siring lambs until the end, even with arthritis in his front knees. He might still be here—he had a full, good set of teeth, a great appetite, good body condition and an outstanding attitude.  Though his muzzle and ears were grey with age, he was a star, and he knew it.  He is buried at the top of the north hill overlooking the hills and fields of Wholearth, watching over his flock. Read about him HERE

Montana Jones
Montana is a watcher of whales, saver of turtles, wayfarer and shepherd. She is a writer, photographer, art farmist and was formerly a magazine art director, media coordinator, journalist and past winner of the Sutton Agricultural Fair Spelling Bee. She tends an oversized garden, eats real food and raises Shropshire sheep and other heritage livestock on Wholearth Farmstudio in Northumberland County, Ontario Canada. She received a CBC Literary Award, Ontario Arts Council Writer’s Reserve Grant, and has appeared in EnRoute, Mind’s Eye, The Globe and Mail, The Toronto Star, Canadian Women Studies Literary Journal, Watershed Magazine and Edible Toronto.