Farms Raided with Search Warrants, Charges Pending

Raw milk activist farmer Michael Schmidt and I and a few other farms were raided August 2nd, 2012. Electronic devices and personal items were seized and charges of Obstruction and Conspiracy are pending. Government and O.P.P. invaded my home  at 7:04 a.m and continued their intimidation for 13 hours.

Not  sure how seizing a decades old Macintosh SE or a kids X-Box might reveal whatever they are looking for, but they took those too.

Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) seized many items far outside what the scope of their Warrant to Search permitted.  It specified records, documents and data in my control between March 23rd to July 30th, 2012 ONLY. The old doorstop Mac SE and my personal drawings and doodles and notes made over the last many years were also taken illegally. The warrant  specified items relating to CFIA, Farmers Peace Corp and specific individuals ONLY.  However, they left with my personal things.  Even tape recordings of my father and I, made in the last intimate moments at his bedside in hospice just before he died last year.

Not acceptable.

The pending Obstruction charge is particularly ironic, as I have felt that it’s the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and Ministry of Agriculture that have been in conspiracy—halting my income and farm livelihood for 2.5 years in their efforts to kill my rare, heritage Shropshire sheep. They killed them in the end and they were indeed healthy. Now heritage Shropshires are even closer to being wiped out.

We need to stop our government from killing other heritage flocks of sheep…other heritage breeds of cattle…pigs…poultry, and preserve our heirloom vegetables.


To add insult to injury the compensation that CFIA has publicly promised for killing my healthy heritage sheep won’t be forthcoming after all.

So I’m about to lose my farm.

…and for what?


Montana Jones
Montana is a watcher of whales, saver of turtles, wayfarer and shepherd. She is a writer, photographer, art farmist and was formerly a magazine art director, media coordinator, journalist and past winner of the Sutton Agricultural Fair Spelling Bee. She tends an oversized garden, eats real food and raises Shropshire sheep and other heritage livestock on Wholearth Farmstudio in Northumberland County, Ontario Canada. She received a CBC Literary Award, Ontario Arts Council Writer’s Reserve Grant, and has appeared in EnRoute, Mind’s Eye, The Globe and Mail, The Toronto Star, Canadian Women Studies Literary Journal, Watershed Magazine and Edible Toronto.

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