
Save Our Shropshires…

The CFIA killed over 60 of my healthy Shropshires. Your letters of support may help us stop CFIA’s slaughter of more rare heritage breed livestock.  If you are also able to help defray legals costs and keep the farm going as we push through this challenging time,  please use the button below to make aPayPal  donation.

Our lawyer Karen Selick of the Canadian Constitution Foundation (CCF) is working for this cause along with Criminal Lawyer Shawn Buckley. The CCF is  a registered charity acting as a voice for freedom in Canada’s courtrooms. They depend on the generous and voluntary contributions of hundreds of Canadians who value their constitutional freedoms.  They issue official tax receipts for donations received, and are also registered as a 501(c)(3) public charity with the IRS. The farm is not a registered charity and any gifts directly to the farm will help to keep it running.

The CFIA placed a quarantine on the farm over three years ago and is now faced with mounting legal fees to defend the Criminal charges laid by the CFIA.

Contact Wholearth Heritage Shropshires if you would like to visit the farm.

We can also accept donations by Interac E-Transfer to the email address Thank-you for your support!



4 thoughts on “Donate

  1. I would like to make a donation to the farm directly. Via email if possible but i didnt see the address to send such a donation. I also want to say my thoughts are with you and those beautiful creatures past to a better world. I will stand and fight with you.

  2. I’m so sorry to hear of your plight. My mom has a “hobby” farm and she dearly lives each of her animals; she would be devastated if something happened to her animals. I can’t imagine what you have been going thru and want to first say I admire you for standing up for what is right and secondly extend my condolences for the loss of your beautiful animals and finally I wish I could give more to help your situation; I truly regret that you have been made to suffer so much at the hands of our government.

    Please know you have supporters across Canada and the world and I wish for you, strength and determination while this battle ensues. Bless you.

  3. I wish you the best. I’m probably not typical of the majority of your donors and supporters – I’m a pretty conservative guy, hunt, fish, professional classical musician, and I’m also a former aquarist who was interested in preserving heritage species in that venue.

    Hope it helps to know that your support is coming from all angles, and not just niches. You are truly getting hosed, and I think it is disgraceful. The Government is out of line in so many areas . . . . but you know this. I’ll be keeping tabs on what goes on. I’ve challenged my friends to help, as well.


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