Sign the Petition
STOP CFIA Slaughter of rare heritage Sheep
Shropshire sheep links:
Wholearth Farmstudio—Farm of the Shropshire flock the CFIA wants destroyed
Save Our Shropshires—Less than 100 Heritage breeding animals left in Canada
Sign the Petition
STOP CFIA Slaughter of rare heritage Sheep
Wholearth Farmstudio—Farm of the Shropshire flock the CFIA wants destroyed
Hey, I’m a broke 23 year old without much to offer in way of help. I’m currently signing the petition and would like to write to the CFIA & Agriculture Minister. I’m going to share this information throughout the social media I have available to me, but I’d like to do more to help. Please let me know and keep me posted if there’s anything else I can do to help. Good luck to you and I am so, so sorry for your horrible loss.